Saturday 9 July 2016

Finally it is done

The album Different Skies is complete and ready for download from Reverbnation and all other online retailers. The next step is the launch party which will present the material in a live format. I can't wait.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Different Skies

Work is well under way to complete my first proper body of work. I can confidently say that this is an amalgam of influences from many genres, and that there was no conscious effort to write in a particular style. Some of the songs surprised myself, which may seem odd when I am the author of the work. Yet as many musicians will tell you, songs have a habit of "writing themselves", almost as if you are just the conduit for them to get out. It has also been rewarding to work with other fine musicians and now we are closer than ever to bringing these recordings to life in front of an audience. Exciting times.